Romance author services specifically designed to help sell more booksLook, everyone and their brother offers author services these days. But all author services providers are NOT equal. Romance authors have different challenges than, say, horror authors or sci fi authors. Tricks and tactics that work wonders for other genres often don’t work for romance readers. The romance audience is unique, and reaching it isn’t always easy, even though super readers of the genre devour anywhere from 5 to 10 books A WEEK. You know who else devours 5 to 10 romance novels a week?
Romance Rehab. That’s right, we’re super readers of the genre. And since our blurb help services have received such awesome feedback, we decided to see what else we might be able to do to help romance authors reach more super readers (like us). Here’s what we came up with: Keyword analysis
For $45, we’ll look at the 7 keywords you chose on your KDP dashboard and analyze them using Publisher Rocket. We’ll tell you if the keywords you’re using are the best fit to get you maximum exposure, and make recommendations for words that might outperform what you’ve chosen. You’ll have our analysis and recommendations in 7-10 business days. How to submit: Fill out our Keyword Analysis Submission Form. Keyword lists for AMS ads For $25, we’ll use a combination of our genre knowledge and Publisher Rocket to create a list of 250 keywords for you to use in AMS ad campaigns. We’ll divide the list up by category for your convenience. You’ll have a list of relevant keywords in 7-10 business days. How to submit: Fill out our Keyword Lists for AMS Ads Submission Form. Beta reading
We’ll read your manuscript before (or after) publication to let you know:
What beta reading does NOT include:
Cost: about $0.0014/word Typical turnaround time: Maximum of 10 business days. Some books take the full 10 business days. Others take a lot less time. It depends on many different factors. But if you always plan for 10 business days, we'll never disappoint you. :) Follow up: If you have questions about any of our comments, feel free to reach out and we’ll try to clarify as best we can. That said, please don’t argue with us about our feedback. It’s our opinion and we’re entitled to it. You’re free to use it or ignore it. It’s completely up to you. Also, please don’t ask us for specific advice on how to make edits to your plot, characters, scenes or dialogue. It’s your book, you have to make those decisions on your own. And finally, if you decide to make edits and would like us to take a look at the revised version, we’d be happy to provide you with a new quote for the follow up beta read. Reviewing revisions is NOT part of the initial beta reading agreement. Sorry but we can't work for free. NOTE: For beta reading services, we reserve the right to turn down projects for any reason. (Nothing personal—sometimes it’s just a workflow issue.) We recommend you get in contact with us well in advance of your preferred project deadline to make sure you get on our calendar. Otherwise, we can’t promise that we’ll be able to accommodate your project. Guarantees: There are none. We don’t guarantee you’ll get stellar reviews, great sales or clear skin and shiny hair for that matter. The only thing we promise is that we’ll give you our honest opinion based on years of experience as a romance super reader. What you choose to do with that and how it might affect your book is beyond our control. How to submit: Just fill out our Beta Reading Submission Form. We'll check to see if our calendar matches up with your publishing schedule. If so, we'll send you a quote and go from there. Book cover critique
Let’s face it, book covers are tricky. On one hand, you want your cover to be unique and memorable but it should also look like it belongs within your chosen genre categories. If your sales aren’t going as well as you’d hoped, you might be wondering if your cover is missing the mark. No worries. We have a team of experts with a deep understanding of what romance readers look for in covers and what makes them click that all important BUY button. How it works: We’ll look at the cover design—along with the blurb and genre categories—and provide feedback about what your cover is doing right and where we believe there is room for improvement. We’ll primarily focus on whether your cover matches the market and if romance super readers would buy based on the cover. (Note: while we will be looking at the blurb and categories, we will not provide feedback on them along with your cover critique. We're just looking at them to get a feel for the tone of your book to see how it compares to your cover design. If you want a formal blurb critique along with your cover critique, that will be an additional $12.) Cost: An individual book cover review is $10. A review of the covers for a series, where the majority of the elements are similar, is $15. We reserve the right to decide if a book series’ covers are similar enough to be treated as series (no one is the boss of us). What to do next: Just fill out our Cover Critique Submission Form and use the PayPal button to make your $10 payment for a single cover review or $15 for a series review. Reviews will be completed in 7 business days (10 business days for a series) after payment. Taglines for adsCosts and turnaround depend on how many options you're looking for and where you would like to place your ads. If you're interested, contact [email protected] for more info.
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