Guest Post GuidelinesNOTE: If you're spamming everyone with a blog site looking for someone to publish your article about shape wear, dating, sports, education, or whatever, please quit reading this page and move on to another site. I ONLY TALK ABOUT ROMANCE BOOKS. I will ignore your request to guest post about stuff that is totally unrelated to our site. Thanks for understanding.
Looking to Guest Post at Romance Rehab? I'm happy to welcome authors, aspiring writers, readers & industry professionals to our blog! However, due to the sheer amount of requests received, I'm very picky about the content that appears. If you don’t have anything relevant to say about the romance genre, I'm probably not going to accept your guest post. Sorry. Here are some tips that might help get your content noticed:
Please do not send me unsolicited books or email form letters inviting me to review books or host authors. If you want me to read and review your book, follow the review submission guidelines. Due to sheer volume of blogs out there, I want to make sure my content is fresh. Topics that have been done to death most likely won’t interest me. If I'm in a good mood (which happens every so often), I'm open to recycled posts. I just ask that it has been at least six months since it was last published online. Please just mention in your post proposal that the article is a reprint. Romance Rehab does not pay for content. Don’t offer bribes! Does all that sound good? Then I'd love to hear from you! Shoot me an email with your guest post idea and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible (generally within 2 weeks, time permitting) if I'm interested. Note: keep in mind that Romance Rehab reserves the right to publish (or not publish) whatever I want. No one is the boss of me. If I don’t want to publish your post, don’t take it personally; I have my reasons (which are plentiful and mysterious). Does Romance Rehab ever do guest posts on other blogs? I love connecting with writers and authors, and am always open to guest posting (as time allows). If you're interested in having me contribute a guest post on your blog/site, let me know. I can't make any promises but I'm always open to collaborating with the good people of Romancelandia. I’d love to hear from you. |
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