There are certain big occasions in life when you spend extra time getting ready so you can look your absolute best. Maybe it’s a job interview, a first date or maybe you’re meeting the parents for the first time. Regardless of what the event may be, you know it’s important to make a good first impression and the way you look will be at least part of the equation.
Visit any writer’s group and you’ll see one piece of advice the veteran authors always give the newbies: Get good beta readers. In this post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about beta reading. And please know that this applies to veteran authors and newbies alike. Here it goes…
Romance novel blurb rehab 101
First of all, there are just some things that should NEVER be in your romance blurb. No questions asked. But for everything else, there’s the Romance Rehab blurb critique service. Have questions about how the Romance Rehab blurb help services works? Wondering if we offer other services specially designed for romance authors? (Awesome questions, by the way. You must be really smart.) Well wonder no more. Just click the links above and all will be revealed. Okay, back to the blurb rehab. Ready for some examples? GREAT! Let’s have some fun. And before you ask, yes, these are actual book blurbs. In some cases, we’ve redacted the author’s name and book title to protect their, um, feelings. Let the rehabbing begin... Guest post by Bronwyn Green
Authors need to foster a lot of relationships—relationships with their readers, book bloggers, their editorial staff, and their cover artist to name a few. Working well with your cover artist is hugely important, because after all, your cover is the first thing potential readers see. So, assuming you don’t already have a cover artist you love and adore *bats eyes at my ridiculously patient cover artist* let’s look at how to find a cover artist. Look, we’ve made it clear that we think readers should dump Kindle Unlimited. The system (which forces authors to forsake all other booksellers in favor of Amazon), as it stands, is broken. Authors are paid only fractions of a cent for page reads, scammers are running rampant and ruining profit sharing for everyone, and Amazon refuses to divulge details of exactly how anything is calculated or to fix issues with their device’s page flip function which robs authors of even more page reads.
Writers are a tough crowd. Many are very set in their ways. Convincing some of them of the value of Twitter is about as easy as selling parkas to people in hell. But, we’re gonna try anyway. (What can we say? We love a challenge) Here are but a few of the lies writers tell themselves about Twitter, and why it's costing them followers (and readers).
Other than Stephen King personally recommending your book on social media, few things are as coveted by authors as a BookBub featured deal. Being selected pretty much guarantees a significant spike in sales. Authors who have been lucky enough to be selected have said it feels like hitting the "author lottery." But like Amazon's mysterious algorithm, BookBub's selection criteria can feel random and perplexing. Frustrated authors have been searching for the right formula for years. Luckily for you, the wait is over. We have the secret sauce and most importantly, we're going to share it with you. The best part? The infographic is straight from BookBub so we're not guessing here. This valuable info is coming straight from the source. You just can't do any better than that.
So, the book you’ve been working on for months (or years) is officially available on Amazon. Congratulations! Now you’re wondering how to get people to buy it. You’ve done some research so you know promotion is critical but marketing isn’t really your thing. In fact, the idea of “selling” anything kinda makes you feel kinda icky.
We get it. Been there, done that. But here’s the thing, marketing your book isn’t really about “selling” it’s more about developing relationships with people. Not just readers (although they’re definitely important) but fellow authors, bloggers, reviewers and just about anyone who can help you get the word out about your book. Think of it as developing your own neighborhood of book friends. Right now, you’re the new guy on the block so go ahead and introduce yourself. Yeah, but how do I do that? We're glad you asked.
Guest post by: Chris Larson, Assistant Professor of Journalism, University of Colorado
When “Fifty Shades Freed” opens in theaters on Feb. 9, fans will no doubt flock to see bad boy Christian Grey (played by Jamie Dornan) bested by naughty-but-nice heroine Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson). A less racy but equally thrilling story, my research shows, is how romance writers are getting ahead in the digital era.
With the rise of the internet and social media, the common wisdom says that fewer people are reading books. But, according to multiple sales reports, there are still billions (yes, billions with a “B”) of books being sold worldwide every year. Hardbacks and paperbacks have made a slight comeback lately, but not surprisingly, the segment with the highest growth expectation is still ebooks. This is good news for indie authors who almost always choose to release their books electronically, given the economic advantages of that publishing method.
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