Ever wonder why book bloggers have been turning down your review requests? It’s possible they’re just moody and mean and picking on you. It’s possible they’re grumpy and in a rejecting mood because of the price of the new Nora Roberts release. Or...and this might hurt to hear...it’s possible that you’re doing something (or multiple somethings) that’s causing reviewers to reject your book baby.
No foreplay
Book bloggers like a little literary foreplay. They enjoy reading a little bit about who you are, how you found them and why you chose to submit to them for a review. Like most people, they're also pretty fond of themselves (we're damned delightful, by the way) so making it obvious that you've actually read and enjoyed their blog will probably gain you a few brownie points. Safe to say, if you skip the foreplay and lead with a “here’s my book for review”, bloggers will likely be turned off and reject you. Don’t assume Just because bloggers are open to reviews doesn’t mean they HAVE to read your book. Bloggers sometimes get hundreds of review requests a day. Don’t assume you’re doing them a favor by requesting a review; you’re asking them to do you a favor by reading, reviewing and promoting your book. For free. Coming across as both humble and grateful won't guarantee your book will be reviewed but it certainly won't hurt your cause either. Desert-dry copy While a review request is technically a professional letter, it doesn’t need to be dry and boring. A letter written in your unique writing voice (you know, the voice you used in your book) is more likely to be accepted. (And it never hurts to make the blogger laugh...we do ever-so-much love to laugh) Rambling How’s your blurb? Is it short and punchy? Does it entice a blogger to read on...or is it long and confusing and rambling? If you’re an author who has confused a blurb with a synopsis of your story, you’re more likely to have your review requests rejected. Take the time to study review requests for some of the bestselling books within your genre. See how the best ones tend to draw you in and give you just enough detail to make you want to click the "buy" button? That's the goal. Want specific advice? Check out our post Book blurbs: Selling the story vs telling the story. (And in case you feel like your blurb might be a problem, Romance Rehab offers a blurb critique service for $12. Just sayin'.) We don’t need no stinkin’ review policy Failure to follow the posted review policy is an immediate reject. ‘Nuff said. I’m an excellent poofreader In case you missed it, yes, that subhead said “poof” instead of “proof” as it should’ve. If your request is riddled with errors, reviewers will assume your book is in the same state of disrepair. (Of course, you can always test your proofreading skills with our comprehensive proofreading test. Check it out.) Long-story-short: Proofread your review request before firing it off.
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