Who says happily ever afters have to be between humans to be romantic? I've read plenty of awesome alien romances that tell me otherwise. Here are but a few of my faves:
Just because I haven't been reviewing a lot lately doesn't mean I haven't been reading. In fact, I've read some great stuff lately. And I've read some not so great stuff. Here's a breakdown and some super quick reviews:
Look, I'm not going to say that any author is EXACTLY like Jennifer Crusie, OR that if you love her, you'll love this other list of authors I'm about to give you. She's an icon and no one will ever be exactly like her. But, that said, there are a few hallmarks of Crusie's writing that I have found in other authors. Namely, hilarious banter, strong heroines, charming quirkiness, men who don't venture into nasty alphahole territory, and plots that are slightly wacky without being unbelievable. So if you, like me, adore these elements of Crusie's writing and have already read all her books, then you'll definitely want to check THESE authors out:
Given the state of the world, I'd like to move into a happy, fictional small town now more than ever. Here are some of my top picks for places I'd like to live:
July 2024
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