I always see the same authors on just about every paranormal romance list on the interwebs. And while I ADORE Christine Feehan, Ilona Andrews, Darynda Jones, Jeaniene Frost, Kresley Cole, JR Ward, and Nalini Singh, there are other ah-may-zing paranormal romances out there. Here are a few of my all-time favorites:
I did a post way back in January 2020 when season 1 premiered, and I just updated it to include thoughts on season 3. You can check it out HERE, or by clicking on the button below. Happy reading! (and viewing, of course...)
Anyone who thinks that romance novels are all light and fluffy and never tackle any big issues is full of crap. In fact, romance novels with characters facing depression, PTSD, social anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and many other mental health issues aren't at all uncommon these days. Don't believe me? Well, take a look at THESE:
I try not to engage with toxic folks on social media. Really, I do. But sometimes I just can't help myself and fire off a response that inevitably doesn't do any good. And no matter how well-reasoned, polite, or funny my response is, it won't EVER do any good. Because the fact is that loud, wrong, and toxic people enjoy making others angry. So, from this point on, I will be auto-blocking THESE types of people (and I reserve the right to add to this list at ANY time):
In times of stress, I comfort read. That means I will turn to my favorite authors and re-read something of theirs--even something I've read many, many times before. These are but a few of those authors:
Yesterday, some snarky jackhole on Twitter got preachy with authors, telling them not to discount their books to 99 cents (or give them away) because it devalued their work. In the comments, said jackhole went on to say, a) how much he hated authors who tell other authors what to do (and he totally missed the hilarious irony on that one), b) Would never put his precious book babies on sale because he'd rather sell nothing at full price than give his groundbreaking words away for anything less than full price.
Other authors chimed in to agree with the jackhole (no romance authors, I noticed), saying that free and discounted books were ruining the industry. So basically, these folks were saying that authors who give away their work or put their books on sale are basically stealing money out of their colleagues pockets. I, of course, disagreed and was called a "troll" who didn't care about authors and just wanted to keep getting cheap books. (BIG eye roll) But along with the utter madness and stupidity and entitled snarkiness of the jackhole's posts and comments, he also mentioned that no one EVER reads a free book. His contention (which I assume he pulled directly out of his own ass after pushing his head out of the way) was that readers just hoard free books and NEVER EVER NEVER read them. Which brings me to the headline question and THIS:
Sci Fi Romance
Publication date: 07/09/2021 Kindle Unlimited: Yes Cliffhanger: No
If you're in the mood for something a little different with plenty of sexy times and great world building, then THIS is the book/series for you. Here's the scoop:
July 2024
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