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One of our favorite followers on Facebook admitted to having a thing for hockey playing heroes, so we’re doing this list for her. (Let that be a lesson to the rest of you. We take requests. Don’t be shy. Speak up!) So, y’all can thank Linda for these awesome hockey romance recommendations that will most likely have you binge-reading all weekend. Enjoy!
Not my normal genre, but…
While scrolling through Amazon looking for my next TBR, I noticed something peculiar. In the reviews for Caught, a historical romance by Christina J Michaels, I saw several comments from readers who felt the need to add disclaimers to their comments. For example:
Any romance reader can tell you that there is a difference between a snarky, sassy heroine and a bitchy heroine. Snarky, sassy heroines are intelligent and able to fire pithy one-liners at unsuspecting heroes in a single bound, posses an above-average grasp of sarcasm, and are—above all—supremely likeable. On the flip side, bitchy heroines are, well, bitchy. And while you do occasionally run into bitchy heroines in romance land, there’s no shortage of snarky, sassy ladies to make up for it, especially in paranormal romance. So, without further ado, here are our picks for the snarkiest, sassiest heroines you’ll ever find in paranormal romance novels.
(Listed in no particular order. Also, these are all series. We’ve listed book 1 in each series so you’ll know where to start. You’re welcome. Also: we understand some of these books can be classified as urban fantasy. We get that. But without the romance element, the stories would be severely impacted, so we’ve included them and called them romance anyway. Plus, it’s our list, and no one is the boss of us, so we’re gonna include whatever we want. The end. Now, on with the show...)
Let’s be practical for a moment. It kind of sucks to go out on Valentine’s Day. Everything is crowded, the wait time at restaurants is insane, and everyone’s trying just a little too hard to prove how much they love the person they’re out with. Sure, it’s romantic and all. But admit it...there’s something oddly appealing about the idea of staying home, curled up in your favorite reading chair, wearing your comfiest sweats, reading about hot and/or sweet Valentine’s Day romances instead of being out among the unwashed masses on a cold night in February. So, for all our fellow Valentine’s Day scrooges out there, this special Valentine’s Day “best of” list is for you!
Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 60 published novels, including six series; Leopard Series, Dark Series, Ghostwalker Series, Drake Sisters Series, Sisters of the Heart Series and the Shadow Rider Series. Five of her six series hit the #1 spot on the New York Times best sellers list and all have reached the top 3 on the New York Times best sellers list. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses and in multiple languages and countries, including Leisure Books, Pocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.
The world of sports romance might be nearly overrun with male football, hockey, and basketball players (not to mention all the MMA fighters), but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a ton of notable female athletes to read about! So, with that in mind, in honor of the 2018 Winter Olympics, we bring you the best female athletes in sports romance today.
July 2024
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