Sexy mafia men fall into that great-in-romance-novels-but-not-so-great-in-real-life category, because while I wouldn’t want to get involved with them in real life, they can be sooooooo super sexy in a novel. So, with that in mind, here are our picks for the top 11 sexiest mafia heroes in romance. Fughetaboutit!
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In looking through the search terms that have brought folks to the Romance Rehab site over the past few months, I have to say that I was kind of surprised. I figured the biggest draws would be our Friday “best of” list posts, or the 5-star reviews page, or even our author interviews. And while those pages have garnered a good bit of attention, (a great big thank you to all of you who visit those pages regularly! *big wave and smile*) there’s a slew of searches from people looking for free copies of books. Not books that are on sale or offering giveaways, mind you. These folks are looking for pirate book sites that offer free copies of an author’s work without that author’s permission.
Even the most diehard romance readers (like myself) want something...different every now and then. Something you just don’t see everyday in romance land. Something exotic. And for those times, why not give sci-fi romance a try? Here are our top 9 sci-fi romance faves:
A romance novel’s blurb is one of the main things I look at before I decide whether or not to 1-click. Sure, I look at the cover and I glance at reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, but nothing scares me off a book faster than a bad blurb. If I don’t like the blurb, I won’t even read sample chapters. Why bother? In my experience (which is vast--scarily vast, like the frozen Russian tundra, people), if the blurb sucks, the book will, too. So, what constitutes a good blurb versus a bad blurb? Well, here are a few red flags I’ve found in romance novel blurbs that almost always indicate the book will suck ass (authors, please take note):
I think I deserve major points for not making a corny “who wants to get lucky with an Irishman” joke in the headline. That said, here are 10 candidates just WAITING to be your book boyfriend this St. Patrick’s Day. You’re welcome.
Even though Hillary Clinton might not agree, romance novels have come a long way since 1972’s The Flame and the Flower. You don’t often seen heroes raping heroines these days. (Thank God) There are strong female role models all over the genre in just about every romance category. But there’s one thing that was common in the romance novels of the seventies that you still find a lot of today, and that’s virgins.
They serve (or served) their country. Now let them serve as your book boyfriend! Here are our picks for the top 11 sexy military heroes in romance today.
July 2024
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