On Monday, I mentioned which flipped tropes I'd like to see more of in 2021. And by "flipped tropes", I mean standard romance novel tropes, but reversed. So, for example, age gap romance where the heroine is older than the hero--and grumpy/sunshine romance where the heroine is the grumpy one. So today, I figured I'd give credit where credit is due and mention some of my all-time favorite flipped-trope romances. Happy reading:
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I love that romance novels have familiar tropes. Frankly, I'm not a huge fan of surprises. I enjoy knowing (for the most part) what I'm getting into before I start reading. But that doesn't mean that I don't want to see the familiar tropes I love done in an uninteresting, unexpected way every now and then. So, with that in mind, here are some flipped tropes that I'm hoping to see more of in 2021 (authors out there, I hope you're paying attention. Please and thanks) :
Yes I'm aware that Captain America is not a lumberjack or mountain man. But since this was maybe the hottest thing he's ever done, this is the GIF I chose. You're welcome. But anyhoo, the request I made on Monday for lumberjack/mountain man recs netted some VERY interesting results. (It also depleted my bank account a bit, but that's a tale for another day) Thought I'd share the results and give y'all some great lumberback/mountain man reads for #WeekendReads and #FridayReads. Note: I've also included the occasional forest ranger and wilderness guide on the list for your pleasure. Enjoy! Here they are:
I've been looking for awesome lumberjack/mountain man romance lately, and I've been struggling. I've found some that are great, and some that don't work for me AT ALL. So, I'm hoping that y'all can help a romance addict out and let me know what lumberjack/mountain man romance I should be reading. But first, here's what worked and DIDN'T work for me recently:
I've read some great stuff lately that I just haven't had time to review. But take my word for it--you'll want to read THESE:
Sci Fi Romance Publication date: 03/04/2020 Kindle Unlimited: Yes Cliffhanger: No Another great addition to a great series. Not too surprising, I suppose...
Have you given up on billionaire romance and romance about wealthy heroes because you're tried of all the alpha jerkwads who exist in such books? Well, then THIS is the list for you--because THESE heroes are actually nice guys (sometimes grumpy, but still nice) and have hearts that are bigger than their bank accounts:
Look, I think Shonda Rhimes is a goddess. And Netflix has done some fan-effin'-tastic original programming that I'm in love with. (And a big thank you to them for scooping up Cobra Kai...I owe them HUGE for that one) But...I'm about to part with a nasty secret. The Bridgerton series wasn't my favorite and it wouldn't have been my first choice for Shondaland to adapt. There. I've said it. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm going to watch it now that my Cobra Kai binge is done. But I would've watched it already if it had been an adaptation of any one of THESE historical romance series:
While 2020 was a total dumpster fire in many respects, it was actually a very GOOD year for great books. This list proves it. Here are my picks for the best reads of 2020:
July 2024
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