Love it or hate it, pregnancy romance remains one of the most popular tropes in the genre. And while my own pregnancy was nothing anyone would want to write a book about, I certainly have enjoyed reading the crap out of this trope. Here are some of our all-time favorite pregnancy romance reads. Enjoy!
If you’ve taken a stroll through the paranormal romance category on Amazon lately, you’ve probably noticed some disturbing trends among the covers there. I certainly have. So, without further ado, here are a few things I NEVER EVER want to see again on paranormal romance covers again. (Please and thanks in advance to all the cover designers out there)
And please note: This is not intended to bring shame to the authors of these books, and I’m not saying these books are bad. Some of them might be GREAT books. Some of them are even huge bestsellers, so the covers obviously aren’t hurting sales. These are just my personal opinions and you shouldn’t let them keep you from reading any or all of these books. There. End of PSA. Every romance reader knows that book slumps happen. There are just times when you can’t find a book you love. So, what’s a bookworm to do? You re-read an old favorite, of course! Nothing breaks a book slump like re-reading an old favorite. And today we’re featuring some of our all-time favorite historical romance re-reads. Enjoy!
And stay tuned for more re-read all-time favorite lists in the weeks to come…
Just because it’s a cliche and has been done a million times before doesn’t mean I have to hate it, right? Good thing no one’s the boss of me, because there are actually quite a few things that have happened tons of times in romance novels, and still, I never get sick of seeing them. Here are just a few…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: We need MORE fearless, take-charge, kick-ass women who can handle themselves in a crisis in romance novels. Doormat, wimpy, TSTL heroines are automatic DNFs as far as I’m concerned. So, with that said, here are some of our favorite fearless females in Romancelandia.
Romances have often been accused of being too dude-focused, meaning that the women in romance novels are only concerned about men and finding love. That’s actually so far from the truth it’s laughable. There are in fact plenty of romances that can easily pass the Bechdel test. And for those of you who don’t know, the Bechdel test is a measure of how women are portrayed. It usually applied to movies, but works pretty well for novels, too. In order to pass, a book needs to have 2 named female characters that carry on a conversation (however long) about something other than a man. These are just a few of our favorites.
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