These heroines have been through THINGS, y’all. But they’ve all lived to tell the tale and find their happily ever afters. What’s more inspiring than that? And couldn’t we all use a little inspiration these days?
(BookBub stalker series)Ever wonder what your favorite authors are reading? Me, too. So, I did a little BookBub stalking and checked out their recommendations. Here’s what I found:
I don’t really want to talk about The Rise of Skywalker anymore. I already did that. I could rant for a hundred years about why I want to throat-punch JJ Abrams, why Rose, Hux, Rey, and especially BEN SOLO (yes, I used the shout-y caps) were done really dirty in the film, and why The Last Jedi was superior to TRoS in nearly every way. But I won’t. That’s been done to death (and frankly, it’s hard to get me to STOP talking about it once I start). What I WILL do at this point is recommend some AWESOME enemies-to-lovers romances that might help you get over your disappointment with that dumpster fire of an ending TRoS had.
I grew up on Disney movies, y’all. So don’t think this post is about hating on Disney movies. I’ve loved just about every single one of them. But that doesn’t mean that they have always depicted healthy romantic relationships like the ones depicted in my favorite romance novels. Here’s a few things that happened in beloved Disney movies that would make me DNF a romance novel with a quickness.
Who doesn’t love a bad boy hero? Do bad boys get any, uh, badder than ex-cons? That said, here are our recs for some super sexy ex-cons you’d LOVE to spend some time with. Enjoy!
In case you weren’t aware, the wildly popular Virgin River series by Robyn Carr has been made into a Netflix series. I went ahead and watched it for you so that if you were on the fence, you’d be able to make a nice, comfortable viewing decision. You’re welcome. Here’s what I discovered. (Note: Originally published 1/13/2020, updated on 12/1/2020 to include my thoughts on season 2, again on 7/25/2021 to include my thoughts on season 3, and NOW I'm updating it again on 8/7/2022 to include my thoughts on season 4.)
They’re hot enough to melt the ice, y’all. Do you need to know anything else about these guys??
BookBub stalker seriesEver wonder what your favorite authors are reading? Me, too. So, I did a little BookBub stalking and checked out their recommendations. Here’s what I found:
If you’ve been on Twitter at all since Christmas, you’re probably aware of the HUGE kerfuffle that’s going on with Romance Writers of America (RWA). Long-story-short, they’ve been called out on long-standing racism, and the organization isn’t doing much of anything to help themselves. But that’s not what I wanted to talk about today. There are PLENTY of places you can read all about what’s going on with the RWA. I want to talk about what we can DO to help make things a little better.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: few things in life are sexier than a hot guy who has his shit together. And a hot guy who has his shit together AND is a good parent? Well, that’s the romance Holy Grail. With that in mind, here are our top picks for the ULTIMATE list of the hottest single dad heroes you’ll ever find in Romance Land (Seriously, hang onto your ovaries, ladies), listed in no particular order:
May 2024
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