You know all those "best of" lists that are nothing but Colleen Hoover books with a few Nicholas Sparks reads thrown in? This isn't one of those lists. Not that there's anything wrong with CoHo and Nicholas Sparks (if you're into that kind of thing). I'm just sick and tired of every list everywhere being dominated by them when there are a TON of great reads out there that deserve more love every day. Here are but a few of my favorites from 2022:
Don't know what the weather is like where you are right now, but here in the US Midwest, we're in the middle of Snowmaggedon, complete with subzero temps and wind chill factors that will kill you if you're outside more than a few minutes a time. So, with that in mind, here are some hot holiday romances you can curl up with to help you get through whatever crappy winter weather you're experiencing at the moment:
Noticed that the Fated Mates podcast did a twins in romance discussion the other day, and realized I hadn't yet done a list of twin romances, which is super weird, because I've always loved that trope! (Except for when it happens in soap operas and no one realizes there's an evil twin and good twin. But I digress...) Many of the books on their list also make MY list, because obviously they have great taste in novels. But anyhoo, here are my top picks for twin romances:
Look, I know the logical time for a monster romance list would've been at Halloween. But hey, October (and fine, November) got away from me, so here we are. And frankly, the world is no less awful now than it was in October, so can't we all use a little monster romance escapism right about now??? (That's my story and I'm sticking to it) Anyhoo, here are some cool monster romances. You know...if you're into that kind of thing. (If you know you know):
July 2024
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