Look, I've talked about this before. There was a rather tongue-in-cheek post a while back about things males writers do in their books that would NEVER happen in romance novels (and for GOOD reason). I've also talked about characters who were completely let down by their writers. I've also mentioned things that the television and movie industry can learn from romance novels. But lately, I'm seeing more and more examples of writing atrocities, 99% of which are being committed by men (sorry guys), that could've (should've) been avoided. There's also A LOT of disrespect going on in the fandoms towards shippers (i.e.: folks who want to see a particular set of characters get involved in a romantic relationship). But guys, I'm here to tell you, embracing romance novels and shippers is a good move for EVERYONE. And now, more than ever, it's time to try new things. Here's what I mean:
Any critics who say that all romance novels are light and fluffy CLEARLY haven't read these high-stakes reads (and they should read them, because they're AWESOME):
These are a few of my favorite words...
May 2024
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