Let’s face it. There are some traits our favorite book boyfriends possess that make them at least 59% hotter than other book boyfriends. (Don’t bother checking my math. I’m sure I’m right. Go with it.) These are traits we’d like to make romance authors aware of so that they can add them to any book boyfriends they might be writing at the moment. (Please and thank you, authors) So, without further ado, here are some of our all-time favorite book boyfriend traits that we wish ALL book boyfriends possessed.
he term “cinnamon roll hero” has been tossed around Romancelandia for some time now. For those of you who don’t know, a cinnamon roll hero is a sweet, supportive, kind, and oh-so-sweet hero who is just too good for this world. (Like a really good cinnamon roll. Hence the name. Or a doughnut, really. Doughnuts are sweet and too good for this world. But I digress…) So, if you love alphahole jerkwads, this list isn’t for you. For the rest of you, enjoy!
July 2024
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