While I did get a brief reprieve from The Great Book Slump of 2020 when I read an ARC of The Has-Been and the Hot Mess by Isabel Jordan, I have been sent back to the pits of book despair. Here's this week's DNF report:
Reason for DNF: This is actually a bit of a fib on my part, because I DID finish the book. But it pissed me off to the point that I wish I'd DNF'd it, so that counts, right? Right. But anyhoo, this book is Kylo Ren fanfiction, and no one can convince me otherwise. While the hero is very enjoyable (because I ADORE Kylo Ren), the heroine is certainly no Rey. She's a little weak and whiny for my liking. And the cliffhanger at the end of this one was HORRIBLE! Like, nuke it from orbit horrible. So, that's why it made the report, even though I technically finished it. Note: Looks like the book is now only available in paperback for some reason. Not sure if that's an Amazon glitch, or if Disney sued for trademark infringement on Kylo Ren, or if the author decided to rectify that cliffhanger. If Disney decided to sue, I wouldn't blame them. This was CLEARLY a Star Wars ripoff.
Reason for DNF: I was teetering on the edge of DNFing right away, because what sane woman picks up a naked dude on the side of the road and is grabbing his junk/ready to have sex with him almost immediately? He could be a deranged serial killer (granted, it would be hard to hide weapons while naked, but still) or have any number of STDs, and this woman is perfectly content to pick him up and ride him like a mechanical bull. But, I pressed on. Until the other guy in the menage showed up and I hated him. He was rude and borderline abusive to the heroine, and she was mostly OK with that because he was so, so hot. Well, sorry. He wasn't hot enough for ME to forgive him. I DNF'd his ass.
Reason for DNF: The reason they're "enemies" is because of a stupid misunderstanding they had in high school. This is NOT a true enemies-to-lovers romance, even though it's marketed as one. So, because I hate mismarketing (and stupid misunderstandings) I DNF'd. In all fairness, though, the book was well written. I might've just been a bitchy mood when I was reading this one. *shrugs*
Reason for DNF: I actually read most of this one, and I enjoyed a majority of it. I side-eyed it a little when the heroine switched personalities from sweet and shy to sex kitten, but I let that go. I overlooked the fact that no one seemed to notice this low level employee going to see the CEO a bunch of times for no apparent reason (and she HAD to have been disheveled when she left). There WOULD have been gossip. But still, I was mostly fine with this because the book was cute and sexy and well written. Then, at the black moment of the story, the hero is a complete asshat to the heroine. And we're not talking about the kind of regular asshattery that lots of romance heroes tend to engage in at the black moment of the story. We're talking asshattery so intense that I actually didn't want the heroine to forgive him. So, I DNF'd with only like 20% of the story left. I was bummed. It had great potential.
Reason for DNF: This one is most likely a case of "it's not you, it's me." I ADORE Lucy Score. I've read all of her books and loved them. But this one just wasn't my cuppa. I didn't make it past the prologue. It was just a little too madcap adventure-y for me. There was too much going on--too much wackiness. I'm going to go back to this at a later date, though, and see if I enjoy it when I'm in a different mood. Because, like I said, this author is awesome.
Reason for DNF: The description on Goodreads promised some hilarity. There was none. And the heroine was a little immature for my liking. I'm a grumpy old lady. What can I say?
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