Once every couple of months or so, someone who doesn't read romance (often a white man, for some reason) pops up on social media with a hot take about how romance novels don't really need to have happy endings (known from here on out as HEA) to still be considered romance novels. Whenever this happens, Romance Twitter (Romancelandia) comes out in full force to stomp on the unfortunate idiot's throat. It never helps. The idiot just gets louder and louder, proudly proclaiming their ignorance to the world. Well, apparently, last week it was time for another unfortunate idiot to step up and proclaim (as loudly as possible) that romance novels don't need a HEA--and further, that romance novels are slut shame-y, and that it's gross to assume all HEAs should include a paired-off couple. Other various bullshit was also spouted. I'm proud to say that I didn't directly address the idiot. But, today, I'm going to debunk every stupid thing the idiot said so that when this happens again next month (and it will happen again next month), I can just point them to my reply instead of repeating myself. So, here it goes: The tweets that launched a thousand commentsHere are the tweets that got so much attention. They were posted in response to a reader who respectfully said that if a book is marketed to her as a romance and there is not a HEA at the end, readers will be pissed and might never read that author again (And she is NOT wrong about that): That gem was followed by: |
July 2024
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