Plot overview: Super-special human Donna is saved (from being attacked) by gorgeous vampire, Conner. His interest in her gets her involved in all kinds of vampire politics and makes her a target of THE EVIL OTHER WOMAN. Conner goes all alpha male to protect her.
First of all, I’m just going to take a wild guess and say that the author was a fan of Twilight. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that. Just because Twilight wasn’t my cuppa, it did sell something like 160 million copies and become a huge movie franchise, so the fact that I didn’t care for it clearly didn’t hinder its marketability. But to me, Bite Me read like Twilight fan fiction written by someone who said, “You know what would be cool? To write a story like Twilight, only for 30-somethings!” If that sounds like a genius idea to you, don’t bother reading the rest of this review. Just go buy the book. But if you’re like me and wanted to stab Bella in the head with a rusty fork after reading Twilight, by all means, read on… OK, are all the Twilight super fans gone? Good. Here’s what I noticed in the way of similarities between Twilight and Bite Me:
Then there were the plot points that weren’t like Twilight but still managed to annoy me:
Then there was the fact that after Donna’s life is threatened, pretty much nothing else happens in the story, other than sex and Conner’s accent deepening and turning Donna on when he’s yelling at her that he’ll keep her hidden away forever if that’s what it takes to keep her safe. About the third time this happened, I was ready to DNF, but I endured. (Why I endured, I have no idea. It’s not like the book got any better after all that.) So, long story short, if you adored Twilight and want to read something just like it but with more sex, then I suggest you get to your Kindles and download this one immediately. If you’re looking for something new and interesting...look elsewhere. Does this book contribute to or help crush the romance stigma? Contributes mightily. Other reading suggestions that aren’t so Twilight-y
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