When I first watched The Force Awakens, I told my husband about the crazy-sexy chemistry I noticed between the Big Bad, Kylo Ren, and Rey, the last-nameless junk dealer who is just brimming with raw Jedi talent. He looked at me like I was nuts. (Not exactly a rare occurrence in our house, but still, it was mildly insulting) He pointed out that the film was clearly setting up a relationship between Finn, the Stormtrooper turned rebel hero and Rey, to which I said, Pfffttt. Those two will never be anything more than friends. There’s no chemistry there. (Now, Finn’s chemistry with fly boy Poe...well, that’s another story entirely. But I digress…)
Then just last week we went to see The Last Jedi, and I came away from it feeling pretty darn smug. This time around, there’s NO denying that the real relationship in this film series is between Kylo Ren and Rey. (Known from this point forward as “Reylo”) And I doubt there’s a romance novel lover out there who would disagree with me. Let me prove it.
(****Contains spoilers for The Last Jedi*****Proceed at your own risk*******)
If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times: I can’t tolerate TSTL heroines. And I believe I also might have mentioned a time or ten that I adore nothing more than ultra-smart, science-y/math-y/tech-y heroines. So, with that in mind, here are our top 12 picks for STEM heroines in romance today.
Not too long ago, I was the biggest paranormal romance fan out there. And no, not because of Twilight. I loved vampires and shifters and witches and fae long before Bella stumbled clumsily into Edward’s arms (and Jacob’s arms, too, for that matter. She sure did stumble a lot, didn’t she?). But lately, my love for the paranormal has waned somewhat. I’m starting to feel like I’ve read pretty much everything out there. I’m seeing the same old tropes and characters over and over (and over and over) again. But I don’t just want to give up on a genre that has brought me so much entertainment over the years. So, what’s a paranormal romance novel addict to do? No, seriously—I’m asking. What should I read, y’all? But before you start offering your suggestions, let me tell you what I’m NOT looking for:
July 2024
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