There are few things more inspiring than romance heroines who have loved and lost--then found the strength to love again. Here are but a few of my favorite romance heroines who lost who they THOUGHT was the love of their life, only to find out that they still had a lot of love left to give (and receive):
What's more romantic than a wedding? Romance novels with a wedding theme, of course! And here are some great ones that'll make you want to say "I do" one-clicking them, at least:
First responders are real life heroes, and I don't know about you, but I can't get enough of them in romance novels. So, here are just a few of the FABULOUS first responders in Romancelandia that I'd let rescue me ANY time:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm SICK of publishers (traditional publishers in particular) marketing darker romance and books that are more women's fiction than romance under those cutesy illustrated covers. If a book has one of those covers, I expect there to be laughs, fun, and hopefully (fingers crossed) a little sexiness. So today, I'm going to list some of my favorite romance novels with cutesy illustrated covers that don't fail to deliver on the promise those covers make. These are fun, sexy romances WITH HEA ENDINGS that you'll love. So, without further ado, here they are:
Romance novels that give you the sweet Hallmark vibes you want, but with hot Outlander sex10/8/2021 Look, I'm not a huge fan of Hallmark Channel movies. BUT...I totally get the appeal. There's a wholesome sweetness to them that's super comforting. I also understand the appeal of the from-the-female-gaze, incredibly intimate sex scenes in Outlander. So, when I saw a tweet last month from an ingenious person who said romance readers want Hallmark Channel movie vibes but with Outlander sex, I thought, "That's a Friday book recommendations list!" That said, here are my picks for reads that give off sweet, warm, comforting Hallmark vibes (low-angst, light-hearted, pure sunshine books) but that include the kind of steam you usually have to turn the channel to get. You're welcome:
(Sorry about the pun in the headline. I couldn't help myself.) I used to avoid amnesia romance like the plague. I always figured it was a trope bad soap opera writers used when they were all out of plausible reasons to keep a beloved couple apart. But a few crazy talented romance authors changed my opinion of the trope ENTIRELY. Enough so that I now even have a list of some of my all-time favorite amnesia romances that you should consider checking out, too:
Romances were the couple is stuck/trapped/isolated together with nothing but them, the elements, and tons of sexual chemistry are my JAM. Here are a few of my favorites that I think you'll like to. You're welcome:
In times of stress, I comfort read. That means I will turn to my favorite authors and re-read something of theirs--even something I've read many, many times before. These are but a few of those authors:
As you know, I cut WAY back on doing book reviews. The why of it was a long story, but just because I'm not actively reviewing lots of books, doesn't mean I'm not finding great books. With that in mind, here are some awesome romance reads I've discovered lately that you should consider picking up for #FridayReads/#WeekendReads. Enjoy:
Small town romance has always been one of my favorite tropes. The forced proximity, the quirky's all very Doc Hollywood (an older movie, but one that has some AWESOME comedy and romance in a delightfully quirky small town). So, that said, here are 16 of the best small town romances I've ever read:
Once upon a time, a literary agent told me writers shouldn't even bother creating romance heroes and heroines over 29 years of age because "no one wants to read about old people having sex." Needless to say, that agent was a douchecanoe of the highest order. And also, she was WRONG. Because here are some awesome romance novels with characters who are over 35 (you know, for those of us who prefer "seasoned" and "mature" reads):
Look, I like a sexy bad boy as much as the next romance reader. (Not alphaholes, though. I HATE those.) But I also REALLY enjoy nice guy heroes. And contrary to what some of y'all might think (I'm looking at you, alphahole fans. Not in a judge-y way, though. No judgement here) nice guy heroes CAN be super sexy. Don't believe me? Then check THESE out:
It's shocking how hard it is to find rom coms these days that include sexy times! And rom coms that deliver sexy times AND hilariously snarky banter? Well, those are even tougher to dig up. That said, here are some of my all-time favorite, go-to authors who never fail to deliver on comedy, sexy times, AND snarky banter:
I'm not the only one who wanted to grow up to be a librarian, was I? Maybe that's why I love THESE librarians in romance novels so much:
There were a crapton of AWESOME new releases this month, and today, I'm going to point out the ones I think should move ahead of all the others on your TBR list. Trust me. You'll thank me later, after you've read these:
July 2024
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